IVAN ČOLOVIĆ (Belgrade, 1938) has published a large number of studies in the field of literature, urban ethnology, ethnolinguistics and political anthropology. He launched in 1971 the series “Biblioteka XX vek” (“20th Century”). He is a winner of the Herder Award (2000) and Konstantin Jiriček Medal (2013) and was decorated with the Legion of Honour (2001). Books in German, English and French: Bordell der Krieger. Folklor, Politik und Krieg (Fibre Verlag, Osnabruck, 1994), Politics of Symbols in Serbia (Hurst, London, 2002), Le Bordel des guerriers. Folklore, politique et guerre (Non Lieu & Courrier des Balkans, Paris, 2009), Kulturterror auf dem Balkan(Fibre Verlag, 2012), The Balkans: Terror of Culture (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2011).