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László Végel

LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL was born in 1941 in Szenttamás (Srbobran), then part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Now he lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. He is a novelist, a play-wright and an essayist. His main works include the novels Egy makró emlékiratai [Memoirs of a Macro], Áttüntetések [Fade-ins], Bűnhődés [Punishment], Neoplanta avagy az Ígéret Földje [Neoplanta or the Promised Land], a chronicle titled Exterritórium, and a selection of essays published under the title Hontalan esszék [Homeless Essays].

25 July 2014

by BL Nonprofit Kft. It is an affiliate
of the bi-monthly journal Magyar Szemle,
published since 1991

Editor-in-Chief: Tamás Magyarics
Deputy Editor-in Chief: István Kiss
Associate Editors: Gyula Kodolányi, John O'Sullivan
Managing Editor: Ildikó Geiger

Editorial office: Budapest, 1067, Eötvös u. 24., HUNGARY
E-mail: hungarianreview@hungarianreview.com
Online edition: www.hungarianreview.com