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Péter Pásztor

13 July 2020
"We still do not know precisely how many people were taken from Hungary to the Soviet Union. Some of the people taken into captivity died in the holding camps in Hungary or Romania. We know from recollections that the bodies of people who died while being loaded into the railway wagons or in transit were just thrown out of the wagons, without official Soviet record. We have no data whatsoever on these people, so we will never know the full number. We work from various incomplete sources."

by BL Nonprofit Kft. It is an affiliate
of the bi-monthly journal Magyar Szemle,
published since 1991

Editor-in-Chief: Tamás Magyarics
Deputy Editor-in Chief: István Kiss
Associate Editors: Gyula Kodolányi, John O'Sullivan
Managing Editor: Ildikó Geiger

Editorial office: Budapest, 1067, Eötvös u. 24., HUNGARY
E-mail: hungarianreview@hungarianreview.com
Online edition: www.hungarianreview.com