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Tamás Magyarics

TAMÁS MAGYARICS (Budapest, 1953), historian, former Ambassador. He has been on the faculty of the School of English and American Studies, ELTE, Budapest since 1987. He also taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) (1991), the International European Studies (IES) in Vienna (2000–2011 and 2017- ), and Corvinus University of Budapest (1999–2009). He has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (2000–2011) and was its Director (2010–2011). He was the editor-in-chief of Külügyi Szemle and Foreign Policy Review (2000–2010). He was Ambassador to Ireland from 2011-2015. Currently he is a Professor at the American Studies Department at Eötvös Loránd University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the American Studies Research Center at the University of Public Service. His main publications include Nagy- Britannia politikája Közép-Európában 1918 óta [Great Britain’s Foreign Policy in Central Europe since 1918] Pro Minoritate Summer and Autumn 2002; Az Egyesült Államok története a 20. században [The History of the United States in the 20th Century], 2008; Az Egyesült Államok külpolitikájának története. Mítosz és valóság: Értékek és érdekek [The History of US Foreign Policy. Myth and Reality: Values and Interests], 2nd ed. 2014, and Amerikai konzervatív gondolkodók [American Conservative Thinkers] (selected and edited), 2017.

by BL Nonprofit Kft. It is an affiliate
of the bi-monthly journal Magyar Szemle,
published since 1991

Editor-in-Chief: Tamás Magyarics
Deputy Editor-in Chief: István Kiss
Associate Editors: Gyula Kodolányi, John O'Sullivan
Managing Editor: Ildikó Geiger

Editorial office: Budapest, 1067, Eötvös u. 24., HUNGARY
E-mail: hungarianreview@hungarianreview.com
Online edition: www.hungarianreview.com